

So I know I am bit late on reading Alexa Chung's new book, but I finally got around to it now that I have some free time. Before I read the book I had heard some mixed reviews about it. Most people seemed to really have enjoyed for obvious reasons: 1. Who doesn't want to get the inside scoop on how Alexa Chung is has fabulous as she is? 2. A small hope that after reading this, emulating Alexa Chung will somehow suddenly become tangible.

On the other hand, some people felt it was yet another generic biography produced by another overly glorified celebrity. This isn't too unreasonable considering that as soon as a celebrity reaches some sort of momentum they start manufacturing any type of product that they can slap their name on (perfumes, movies, cereal boxes, toothbrushes, toilet paper, and the list can go on for ages). Of course I'm not saying this applies to all celebrities.

 I decided to pick up the book and decide for myself, and I am extremely glad I did. Personally, I really enjoyed the book as it gave some insight into her trials and errors of becoming one of the big names in the fashion industry. I have always looked up to Alexa Chung as a style icon, but after reading this book I grew to love her even more as I discovered I can relate to her both personality wise and style wise.

Not only does she depict her life through her words, but also through various collages of drawings, polaroids, and quotes. All of which were distributed throughout the book, and I am guessing it is her way of displaying what inspires her. She also goes into depth on all her favorite movies along with her favorite characters from which she gets inspiration from (I even took the liberty of making a list of all of them for future reference). All in all I really appreciated the work she put into this book, but don't just take my word for it and go out and read it for yourself and let me know what you think.

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